How do you find dlls?

>> Thursday 14 June 2012

How do you find dlls?
i am a bsc it student and studied about the dll files as they are shared files and are the same as for Windows EXE files and came to know more about it that any data file with the same file format can be called a resource DLL. These libraries usually have the file extension DLL, and wanted to know further the process to find the dll.
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Old 29-12-2011
Alfons Alfons is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
there are several programs where you will find the use of Dll-files . Then at the time of removing the program by making use of the uninstall utility, it removes all files it installed at the time of installation progress and in addition to it the dll-files used by the program are also used by other programs.
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Old 29-12-2011
Abhiroopa Abhiroopa is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
i can suggest some information regarding the dll files and to state, DLL files contain data that may be shared among various programs. This will prove to be an added advantage as if many programs are drawing from the same data library, there is less space used on your system by sharing that data in a DLL file. While DLL files tend to be very important computer files, accessing these files can be tricky at times. . as DLL files are shared by various programs, they are often located in obscure shared directories and not on your main program files. there is a feature called "Windows Search" which permits you to easily locate DLL files on your system.
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Old 29-12-2011
Erakna Erakna is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
the steps below mentioned will prove to be beneficial in your case.
choose the Windows "Start Menu."

1. select "Computer" to start browsing your systems files in a new window.
2. Click on the Windows Search field, which will be present in the upper right-hand side of the window.
3. then type ".dll" and then press "Enter."
4. the computer will searches for all files with the ".dll" extension. A progress bar will denote the status of your query at the time. .
5. afterwards have a scroll over the list of DLL files to locate the one you're desiring to look for after the search has finished. There will be alphabetically listing of files by default, and it will make easier to locate the desired file or files.
6. have a right-click on the file DLL file you wish to locate .
7. finally click to select "Properties."and you will see a new window opened, and the DLL file's exact location will be listed under "Location."

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Old 29-12-2011
Bontu Bontu is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
there are things possible that you are unable to search the .dll file. in this case

1. i should suggest some means to do so.
2. It might be that they are in hidden file.first un-hide the all file.
3. initially, try by opening my computer >> tools and in the folder option visit the view> >show hidden file and folder and then have a apply of it and eventually OK
4. try to make search of the dll file by the search option which will be present there.
5. start>>search>>the the name of file. and finally click enter.

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Old 29-12-2011
Essien Essien is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
Well, there are two cases where there is allowance of distribution of .dll files. some software applications make a strict forbid for the distribution of .dll files, and in the other case some software applications likely to be open source software don't tend to disallow .dll files to be distributed.

there is a software licensing terms which Microsoft have and they may not allow to do so if you are looking for .dll files on the Internet to have a replace for the missing or corrupted windows .dll files. in normal case you can search over the internet with the dll name mentioned.< insert dll name>.dll and then download.
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Old 29-12-2011
GaganjyotTechie GaganjyotTechie is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
taking into consideration that you are making use of Microsoft Windows operating system , you should right click on "start" and then proceed further and click on "search"and then enter "*.dll" in the field where you should enter the file name you wish to search. search will be started . You will be able to open File Find by pressing the Windows logo key which is present between Ctrl and Alt keys and the letter can in addition to this visit on some sites for the dll file that you require and will be available for download . place the dll file in c:/windows/system32 after complete process.
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Old 29-12-2011
Shinu Shinu is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
today i was running visual basic and found that i got the message "Can't find file DAO350.DLL" i cant get to this problem is there any means to do the replacement. i just know the searching of the appropriate dll and never cane across the setting up of dll on my program or installing it. Thanks very much.
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Old 29-12-2011
DanielaA DanielaA is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
hi everyone, i know the process of adding dll files. but cant say about your VB program. after you have obtained the dll file move the .dll files to the system folder. The location of this folder will vary by the version of Windows you are making use of . In some case when you consider Windows 95, 98 and ME, the folder path is "C:\Windows\System." and in Windows 2000 and NT, it's "C:\WINNT\System32." make a note of one thing that the path for all 32-bit versions of Windows XP and Vista is "C:\Windows\System32" and in the case where you consider path for 64-bit versions it is "C:\WindowsSysWOW64."after this procedure reboot your computer.
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Old 29-12-2011

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Re: How do you find dlls?
ti my knowledge all DLLs are not created as equal as they are supposed to. . And according to the name , these files are dynamically loaded and are directly associated with an executable program or even other DLL files at run-time. i will state some reasons for the malfunctioning of the dll which will give you some idea.

* dll file tends to be missing when a program was uninstalled and took with it a DLL used by other programs
* there can be case where a program was installed on your system which overwrote the DLL
* there will be a remoavl or corruption of dll if there occurred a corruption during installation or uninstallation
* it could be because of the malware attack and removed the DLL
* the other possible reason for its removal would be that a hardware problem caused physical corruption to data and the DLL.

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Old 05-01-2012
Rege's Rege's is offline

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Re: How do you find dlls?
i will really thanks in this case as you assisted me in sorting out problem . i then came across some information as dll is the unit of versioning and it does help in versioning of a component. it also provides security to system and its a unit of deployment.


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